The crowd asked him, "Then what are we supposed to do?" If you have two coats, give one away," he said. "Do the same with your food." Luke 3:10-11 (The Message)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Maria & Oscar

Oscar Manuel Alvarez 30-welder make $900 Mexican pesos a week
Maria Flortensia Osuna-20 housewife

Katerine 1 year old daughter

Oscar's mom shared with Tere (YWAM staff & pastor) about the hardship he was having with a job.  After inviting Maria & Oscar to join Loma Bonita Bible study, Oscar found a job.

Patricia Sandovcal Ramirez

Patricia is 48-waitress making $800 Mexican pesos a week

Karia Vianey (daughter) is 21 and a student
Roberto (son) is 34 and does irregular jobs
Gladis (niece) has 4 daughters.

Patricia is a single mom and has 4 children, 2 live at home.  She is working to help Karla i school and Gladis with her daughters because she knows how hard it is to be a single mom.

March 8-14, 2015

Well is time again for the FBC Mission Team to head to Mazatlan.  Please be in prayer for them team as we travel and work this week.  Kyle, Laura, Sarah & Rachel Cochran, Pat & Patsy Duncan (Laura's parents), Sterling & Jenna Edwards (New York missionary), Kevin & Libby Laughlin, Albert & Charlene Love, Kenny & Tami Lowman, Steve & Cheryl Moseley, Kevin & Archilene Smith, Lance & Kim Spross, John & Abbie Strunc, Danny & Gina Sutton